Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ned Gannon

Here is my Red Riding Hood, which is actually a page from a dummy I am working on.


  1. So I realize this is a poor interpretation of the traditional Red Riding Hood story, but as a promoter of diverse eco-systems, I have been a wolf advocate for a long time. So I couldn't stand the thought of painting wolves to be evil. Even though this is from my plans for a dummy, I think it stands alone. I wanted her to look as though she trusts the wolf more than the viewer.

  2. This is beautiful. I too am a wolf advocate and that is why I did my illustration the way I did. ;)

    Your trees are stunning. I love the way the light is coming through them. Very beautiful design.

  3. Unique take on the subject and I, too, love the way you have used the light. Beautiful!

  4. Beautiful image Ned. Very finished work for a dummy!

  5. You achieved the look of trust in her stance and eyes. Great original way to illustrate this scene. Great job.
